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作者:化工学院 来源: 责任编辑:   终审: 点击: 日期:2011-07-07


Current Low-Cost Diagnostic Sensor Research in Australian Pulp and Paper Institute


Dr Wei Shen

Australian Pulp and Paper Institute

Department of Chemical Engineering





Australian Pulp and Paper Institute (APPI) has been the core research institution in two Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) programs, which lasted 15 years in total. It has established a world-class pulp, paper and printing research reputation and facilities with the CRC programs. After the CRC programs came to an end in 2008, APPI has engaged in a number of new research activities and ventures. The new APPI research program steps out the conventional pulp, paper and printing research area, but still uses the skills we have developed during the CRCs, to lead innovations in bio-active paper, bio-functional printing, new cellulosic and composite materials and low-cost diagnostic sensors. APPI has been actively seeking for new research directions and partners to further its new research programs. This seminar presents an overview of the low-cost diagnostic microfluidics research, which is one of the several new research areas APPI is undertaking. It focuses on our direction in this new area of research, opportunities of postgraduate research as well as postgraduate research training aspects in APPI. The new research programs in APPI have redefined its roles in the current and future collaborations with the new industrial partners.

About the Speaker

Dr Wei Shen received his PhD in physical chemistry from La Trobe University, Australia. After a postdoc in solid state physics in La Trobe University, he joined the Department of Chemical Engineering of Monash University as a research fellow. His research in his fellow position was on paper surface modification and printing engineering. Since 2008, Dr Shen started a new research in low-cost microfluidic sensors. His group applied their skills in paper surface modification and printing to fabricate microfluidic systems on paper, thread and polymer films. More recently Dr Shen started a new research direction of oil-spill control. Dr Shen has more than 90 publications in international journals. He has five PhD students; in the last three years, research work of his group has been highlighted 8 times by ACS, RSC, C&EN,Lab on a Chip,Australia’s leading newspaperThe AgeandMonash Magazine.



时间:9:00 - 11:00


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